
Showing posts from April 28, 2024


 Hey and welcome to my blog As you seen by the topic of this post today I am here to talk more about procrastination and what I think I would say even you right now you are probably reading this post while procrastinating on something. It might be that you are avoiding something because you don't want to do it or to extend of not wanting to face the consequences of doing it. It also can be that you might not want to do something because you are paralyzed by perfection, you want to do things perfectly or maybe have things in the perfect way. Some is because they want to do something on a perfect time because that is when it feels the best but unfortunately truly speaking there is never a perfect time to do something because the only best time to do anything is actually right now, if you have this kind of mentality therefore that's the only way you can beat procrastination.  The useful way to beat procrastination in the way I did it is to simply minimize or limit or even delete a


  If you clicked on this post, chances are that you probably have a text or exam coming up and you want to get an A+.As a person who persuaded science after high school i have tried it all. Pomodoro method. Highlighting. Flashcards. you name all of them. I am not going to waste your time that is why in this blog i want to share the 3 study tips that i used and that actually works.If you are in high school or university this tips will literally save you hours and hours of stress and pain and you will be able to get an A+ on your exams with ease  1.Active recall What is active recall? It simply means that instead of just reading a textbook , you're learning though answering You are studying through doing past oaper And the reason why this is very effective is because of the forgetting curve which is basically a concept that says 'We quickly forget information unless we constantly practice it.So what does this mean? It means that if all you do to study your exams is just reading t


  Don't be like Jeffrey ,He doesn't realise that his biggest problem is simply internet addiction ,you might be able to relate. Here's how Jeffrey's day to day life is. He wakes up late and the first thing that he is going to grab is his cellphone and immediately start checking notifications from all social media platforms to porn Hub to video games all on his phone while he is still sleeping on his bed. He wants to be productive,  he wants to start a business,he wants to start a YouTube channel but once it is time to start doing all the work,He distracts himself once again.His mind takes him to YouTube where he will start watching shitty videos of self improvement and self reproduction ,he spends the rest of the day flicking between websites and apps all along with consuming content that doesn't help him with anything in life.That is the life of a modern young . Kinda sounds like your life doesn't it? Adonis has heard of the internet ,he looks over the meldwin


Hy and welcome to my blog. So in this blog guys we are going to talk about 7 websites where you can search and find a job because i found out that many people have been searching for jobs, students and people who are unemployed have been searching for jobs and they did not know which websites to use for that. so in this blog i will give you website that you have to use where you can search a job and get yourself a very secured let's get down with the blog To watch the review video Click the link below Watch full video here once you search and click on the first link, you o gonna be taken to the home page where you'll find "JOBS BY COUNTRY" where you'll view all countries and you'll choose your country which is South Africa, then you'll see "search jobs by title" where you'll search for the job that you want,then below is "location" where you'll put the location where you want to work at. the click search  i

9 things you shouldn't tell anyone

Greetings everyone and i welcome you all to my blog. So as you've seen by the topic,today we are here to talk about 9 things that you should share with anyone. For those who want the video must click the link below to go directly to the video  Watch full video Personal life is called "personal " for a reason,there are certain matter that you should keep to yourself and not tell anyone because unfortunately not everyone has good intentions,they might use your personal information to hurt your feeling or can even try to break your dreams if they are your competitors So always keep things to yourself so that no one can get a chance to hurt to you .It is very useful to have a list of personal information that you don't want to share with anyone and if you don't know how to write that list,worry less because i am here to help you  HERE ARE 9 THINGS YOU SHOULD NOT SHARE WITH ANYONE  1. Your income  Your income details should be secret between you and your company.The am