9 things you shouldn't tell anyone

Greetings everyone and i welcome you all to my blog.

So as you've seen by the topic,today we are here to talk about 9 things that you should share with anyone.

For those who want the video must click the link below to go directly to the video 

Personal life is called "personal " for a reason,there are certain matter that you should keep to yourself and not tell anyone because unfortunately not everyone has good intentions,they might use your personal information to hurt your feeling or can even try to break your dreams if they are your competitors

So always keep things to yourself so that no one can get a chance to hurt to you .It is very useful to have a list of personal information that you don't want to share with anyone and if you don't know how to write that list,worry less because i am here to help you 


1. Your income 

Your income details should be secret between you and your company.The amount of savings in your bank should be known by only you and the bank, because in this fast moving world, you'll never know why people can judge with you with your income status.

The world runs on money nowadays and you can't deny that,there are many problems that can come with disclosing your income 

1st people who know your income will start to associate with you as if you are the money you earn

2nd people will begin to make money decision for you, you'll end up paying for things you never intended to e.g "Tuko makes R10,000 per month,let him grab the dinner tab" 

3rd people will associate your expenses with your disclosed earnings, you'll be judged on everything that you spend you money or everything that you don't spend your money on 
e.g "how can you afford a R8 000 shoes when you only make R10,000 per month?" 

"do you only donate that little to the charity "

"you earn this much but still drive this cheap car "

"you're 20 years old and you still make that little?"

2. Future goals

one of the most important words that successful people will tell you is that "You should never share your goals" .While you're still working on achieving your goals on the near or far future,you must know that the confidentiality of the if very important.

Firstly,I am not imposing that sharing your goals will bring you bad There's actually science behind that. Studies have proven that sharing your goals with others can reduce the possibility of them being accomplished.

Telling people what you want to achieve creates a premature of completeness,it tricks your mind into believing that you've achieved something that you didn't,while you feel a sense of pride and letting people knowing what you want to achieve,that won't benefit you,it will make it less likely for you to do the work.

Secondly, if you're a beginner, getting negative feedback from people, sometimes we share long term goals with people who are not willing to support us even once.They will end up discouraging us.However if you keeps you goals to your self,you have a higher much chance of accomplishment.
Work hard and stay focused and let the success speaks for itself.

3.Good deeds

you may have heard that good deeds always attract good karma,that is true.You should never be discouraged to do good things,but if you start bragging about them,the perspective of this good deeds changes completely.Good deeds should be done with pure attention,not for attention.

Many of the good Samaritans always find a way to tell people about the good deeds they have done.Good deeds can remain vulnerable if they remain untold,so if you can't stop sharing on how generous and kind you are ,you might not be that Good of a person.

Once you brag about something good that you have done,you are making it all about yourself, that's invalidating the good deeds that you have already done.If you're doing good to make yourself feel good,then there's absolutely no reason to brag about it.Many of the good philanthropist of the world remain anonymous for a good reason, It is very good to do something better when nobody knows about it.

4. Family problems 

No family is perfect and has no problems.Like every family has problems, most families consist of different people with different personalities.It only makes sense that fight and argument come up every now and then, therefore you must learn to live with them and not tell anyone regardless of how difficult they are. 

Things in the family are best kept in the family , even things that happen behind closed doors they can concern only you and your members of the family. Sharing problems with other people will usually not solve your problems but will make things worse because now people will have information to judge you and your family.So before you arrive and open your mouth about family issues, think of the consequences.

5. Relationship problems

Relationships and conflicts going hand in hand, whatever you're going through in a relationship let it remain between you and your person. Your relationship problems and your personal issues are not something you should share with your world.You should always try to sort out this issues between you and your partner .

You should not share what you're going through with your friends and family because they're likely on your side , they care about you more than anything and they only want what's best for you.But as soon as you start telling them about your relationship problems ,you may make enemies for your partner and they can have a great problem with them then when things get better with you and your partny, you will have another mess to clean up.and you might not be able to clean that.

Do you really want that? probably not, and what could be even worse is if your partner learns that you've been talking about them with your friends and families that is when you will deal with a lot trust me I've seen it happen many times. And trust me it can get very ugly. have respect for the one you are in love with by speaking with them direct not behind their backs.

6. Material possessions

The truth is we all want to be surrounded by material things that we personally like but sometimes we get a certain satisfiction about letting people know about what we have like cars,clothes,shoes, phones and whatever money can buy..there's nothing wrong with sharing with someone but bragging about your material possesions may make you come out as rude and obsessed with the materials .Modesty is the most beautiful trait in a person,you should spread it with confidentiality .People like someone who has money but must stay humble.People appreciate humble people.


We always have negative stories about people don't like, whether it is an old friend,school mate,our exes, we all hold a grudge against certain people in our lives but no matter how much you hate someone it is never a good idea to share that with every person that we meet.You should let go of these feelings and discuss them as little as you you can in the public as negativity can be so very overwhelming.

People prefer to be surrounded by confident people like people who have interest things to provide,not haters who always talk trash behind people's backs.So the blast of regrets from the past should remain there in the past and you should focus on the present then you'll see that more and more people would want to talk to you.

8. Weaknesses

You should not share your weaknesses with anyone please, you never know who is going to use it against you.Be careful of who you talk to about your strength and your weaknesses because i personally believe that we shouldn't share our weaknesses at all as revealing too much information about yourself might bounce back like a boomerang and hit you at the back of your head when you least expected.

Not everyone out there wishes you good luck therefore you shouldn't share your weaknesses even with your closest friend because in due time people can always change.Your friends may not stay close to you and they can use those weaknesses against you in order to hurt you or to break you.

9. Political beliefs

You should not discuss your political beliefs with just anyone.If ever you find yourself in a situation where you are disagreeing with someone's opinion it can cause a problem and that certain person might end up having anger on you.Like people get as far trying to impose their beliefs on anyone they get in contact with.

Don't be that kind of person because you will end up turning into those kind or arrogant people who always sees the world in their own point of view , people don't like those kind of close minded people like you'll find people not even want to associate themselves with you

You don't owe anyone anything more especially about your personal life therefore sharing every piece of you and your life is just a foolish act.It is natural to make mistakes and in case you have disclosed any of the topic that we have discussed in this video,i hope that now you won't repeat that again.Private life should remain private and trust me Your life will get easier and better

That is the end of our tips about nine things that you shouldn't tell anyone about your life and Thank you for reading .See you on our next blog post.


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