Hy and welcome to my blog.

So in this blog guys we are going to talk about 7 websites where you can search and find a job because i found out that many people have been searching for jobs, students and people who are unemployed have been searching for jobs and they did not know which websites to use for that.

so in this blog i will give you website that you have to use where you can search a job and get yourself a very secured job.so let's get down with the blog

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once you search and click on the first link, you o gonna be taken to the home page where you'll find "JOBS BY COUNTRY" where you'll view all countries and you'll choose your country which is South Africa,

then you'll see "search jobs by title" where you'll search for the job that you want,then below is "location" where you'll put the location where you want to work at. the click search 

if you don't find the job you want, you'll then go below where it has written "Trending jobs" where you'll find many categories of many jobs,then you'll choose the job you prefer,

if you don't find it agaiy,you can go below where it has written "Jobs by sector x where you'll also find many other kinds of jobs.

then down there on other options,youll see the heading "Whatjobs for job seekers" that's where you'll find career advices where they'll advice you on what to do if you want to continue studying or ways to improve your knowledge and career progression.

they also offer "Resume/CV writing x whic will show you the lastest CV writing where you'll see what kind of CV they are preferring now as the CVs now are not like the 2010 CVs..they you'll learn then make your own CVs then and apply.

then after choosing a job let's just say I chose petrol attendant you can see the job details there where you can see whether the job is permanent then the place is Johannesburg Gauteng South Africa then the company is Astron energy then the date that the post was released is the 15th 12 2023 then you you'll read all the requirements and apply 


you will sit there and the first link to get you click on it, then you'll be taken to the homepage where you see job placement as a heading, then the amount of jobs available, where it says "keyword/job title " you will put in the job that you want then below you'll put the location where you want to work then click find jobs. 

If don't find the job that you are looking for, you can go below there is a popular search where you can click and find many jobs that are available.

If you don't find the job I can you can go below where it says job by industry then you'll find the categories of kind of jobs.

If you don't find it there again you will go below it says job by location, then you going to click on the location that you want to work at.

If you don't find it there again you will go below where it says job by a company then you'll choose the company you want to work for.

This website also gives the CV writing services where you can learn the kinds of CVS that they prefer and use the format to apply at that site.

There's also a service where they give you interview coaching on how to prepare for your interview and questions to expect. 

So now let's choose any job to see the details services. I chose interior decorating shop sales assistant, then there you can see the recruiter which is Greys personnel, job reference there, date posted is Friday April 12th 2024, location is Polokwane South Africa , salary there is TBC monthly.

Then below you'll find the summary of what they are looking for, then you're also find the position information and the requirements of that certain job, and also the responsibilities you'll have to carry when you are chosen for that particular job.

3. za.jobtome.com

Oncce you search and click the first link, you'll be placed at a homepage where the heading says jobtome, then below is the box where you should put in the kind of job or profession or company that you want to work for, then below it is the location where you put the place where you want to work at then click "Find a job"

Then if you don't find the job you're looking for below it is showing list of locations and list of kind of jobs so you will click on the "all location"where you will see many locations and choose the location that you want to work at, 

Or clicks see "all jobs" where you will see various kinds of jobs available then click the one that you prefer and that you think you will qualify for it then apply for it

1. Pnet jobs.

you will search then click on the first link you find after searching. then you going to be taken to the homepage of Pnet then find the first box writing "job title,skill or company"that is where you put the job that you want then below is where you will put in the location of where you want to work at.

then below the other options which are 

 "full-time" which can be for people who are unemployed as they'll be able to work full time.

"part-time" it is the one which can be good for students or people who want to work two jobs 

"partially remote" is mostly work from home arrangements kind of jobs

Then you will click on "Find jobs"

if you don't find the job you are looking for below there are two options whereby it is "Job by category" where you will see many categories of jobs then you will choose the one you prefer 

And again if you don't find the job you are looking for you're going to the option where it says "jobs by cities"then choose the city where you want to work at then once you find it and got the job you want,you will then apply for the job. 

2. za.indeed.com

you will search then click on the first link you'll find after searching . you'll then be taken to the homepage of indeed where you'll find the box at the top writing job title keyword or company that's where you'll put in the job that you want then below is the location South Africa then you click search, you're find lots of jobs then you choose the one you prefer

I chose General assistant in order to find out more information service that they can give us, 

Then after you have clicked on the job it will show you the name of the job then the name of the company where the job is at all along with ratings of the company and you will also see the location where the job is at

below is then the full job description where you know the all information about the job, you will also be given the requirements of the job and the responsibilities that you will have to carry once you are chosen for that particular job.Then click apply to apply.

3. Talent.com South Africa

you will search then click on the first link you'll find after searching. You will then be taken to the homepage of talent.com.

you will find the box which has written jobs in South Africa that is where you should put in the kind of job that you want in South Africa then click the button search in order to have all the various kinds of jobs available revealed to you

then you will choose the job that you prefer then click on it to find out more information about that particular job.You will read all the requirements and the responsibilities then apply for that certain job

4.Linkedin jobs

after searching and clicking on the first link you'll be taken to the homepage of LinkedIn or others will be redirected to an app of LinkedIn. 

then you go there at the top and search "jobs" then you will see various kinds of jobs that are available then you'll choose the one that you would prefer for yourself. 

for the purpose of this blog post I'll just choose Web content editor/administrator to see what kind of information service would they offer. 

it is going to show you the name of the company, the location of the company, the date the post was released and it will also show you what kind of job is it as in part-time, full-time or partially remote.

below you are going to find the position somewhere whereby it is where you'll find out what the position is all about and what they are looking for.Then you will also find the position responsibilities of that certain job as well as the qualifications that are needed and the requirements for applying for that job. meaning if you meet the requirements you can now apply for the job. 

Those above are the website i have searched and reviews for now but I will go do many more research on other websites similar to these ones then I will come back with another review so stay tuned so you won't get missed out.

click there at the top, scroll down and click follow to be notified and stay up to date.

 i will see you on the next blog post.


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