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As you seen by the topic of this post today I am here to talk more about procrastination and what I think I would say even you right now you are probably reading this post while procrastinating on something.

It might be that you are avoiding something because you don't want to do it or to extend of not wanting to face the consequences of doing it. It also can be that you might not want to do something because you are paralyzed by perfection, you want to do things perfectly or maybe have things in the perfect way. Some is because they want to do something on a perfect time because that is when it feels the best but unfortunately truly speaking there is never a perfect time to do something because the only best time to do anything is actually right now, if you have this kind of mentality therefore that's the only way you can beat procrastination. 

The useful way to beat procrastination in the way I did it is to simply minimize or limit or even delete all the moments you spend thinking about doing something, like for example when you wake up early in the morning and you don't want to get out of your bed, what does your brain do? Like when you start to see things like

 "I don't want to get out of bed now it is still early"

"I still have time therefore I can get a little more sleep"

Once you start thinking about all those things it is the time that you get paralyzed by your own laziness. Then you would just get out of bed sighting, then you start doing your daily routine but in a way as if like you are forced by someone, then you start brushing your teeth,wash your face,make your bed & open curtains but the main idea is the things that you delay in your mind. 

Same with your homeworks or assignments,you would you sit there and you think about your homework and say "urh narh it's just homework, three pages long and i don't feel like doing it" and you eventually don't do it until it's tomorrow and the bell rings during class and now you are busy running around trying to get the answers.

Same applies when you have to wash dishes like you keep throwing those dishes in the sink and you're like I'll do it later , I'll do it later, I'll get to it sometime, I'll get to it sometime until boom!! you've got a mountain of dishes or you've got a mountain of clothes in your room and you are overwhelmed because you have let this things power up because instead of TAKING ACTION you just kept thinking about it, you kept putting it on.Well if you do those things little by little and maintain things at a nice level you won't get overwhelmed and it will stop you from procrastinating.

So me I procrastinated a lot when i wanted to create content even i started creating content, to make more content i will fall into the loops of procrastination, when i would take breaks i will fall into the loop of procrastination when I try to come back.But lemme tell you what i would do, I would sit down and think,i need to wake up ,i need to write something,i need to make some content,then what I'll do is that i would just stand up immediately without having any idea then i would sit on my desk then think, I need to write about this,then I would open my laptop and start writing.See ,it is just easy.

But if i don't take these actions to put myself in a position to have to do this things and little by little by chip away at things ,you will never get them done.Like you must always find a way to keep yourself in this kinds of positions.I call them the POINT OF NO RETURN or the HOT SEAT. They put you in a mode where you have to do things .It's always about taking action, Nothing happens if nothing happens, Like if you don't do anything and you just sit there and think about it all of the time,None of this is going to happen .

I have dreamt about anything that is going on right now.I have dreamt about being able to do what i wanted to do and it eventually will free me and help me become a better person who helps people and living life to the fullest.But none if those would have came if i was just sitting around .I am the ultimate procrastinator , don't let me fool you,i am not perfect ,i am human ,like um the guy who shops two hours before Christmas busy trying to figure out what they would want at home.I am that guy who goes to the shop when there 3 things left on the shelf.I am the dude that did homework at the beginning of the class, the guy who did 3 weeks project in one last day before submission.

But we should give ourselves negative names to that.No one is actually a procrastinator but you are just very good at avoiding things,you have a habit of thinking about things to the point that you end up not doing them..but habit can be broken.But after being broken they must be replaced with other things . Instead of being an Ultimate procrastinator you be Ultimate action taker,if i see it and i want it i am going to get that means i gotta do work and YOU WILL TOO.

So remember at the beginning of this post I've said you might have found this while procrastinating on something,so whatever it is that you need to do ,and i know you need to do something,I am gonna need you to stand up now and go do it.It feels much better when you do so.

That's it for this post guys and i will see you on t

he next post.


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