Start with R0.00 to start getting paid for writing with blogger for free

Welcome introduction 

Hi what's up welcome to my blogger. My name is Tuko_z.a and I'm here to share with you all on my journey of how I started making money as his student. So please stay tuned stay locked in and go with me throughout all this journey and you will gain a very massive outcome.

Those who are not reading lovers and who can understand things by watching videos of them, here is the link below of the video about this whole blog and they can also go subscribe and watch my videos on how I explained step by step on My YouTube channel

Watch the whole video

What do i have to offer :

What I have to offer is firstly knowledge then skills then the steps on how to be a blogger because writing a blog is the simplest thing compared to other professions because you're not going to lose anything or be scammed as it is an interaction with you and Google Adsense only. This one needs a person who loves to explore and who can have many things to write about.

I also offered the steps which one can use to create themselves accounts of blogger and edson's so that they can start making money immediately as it is one of the best ways to get an income because many people are unemployed and they don't have jobs therefore this way they can create themselves jobs and be their own entrepreneurs as they can create money for themselves without working for anyone.

The aim of this blog:

So what I'm here to talk about today is the thing  called Blogging and and I'll need people to follow steps correctly because many people when they find out about something that can make money they just jump straight into it without having any knowledge and they just say they will see as they are busy doing that thing and they end up not getting anything then they will come back and say we are lying. So follow the steps that we give you then you'll reach the point where you start gaining money for every blog that you post.

But an overall name of this blog is to decrease the unemployment as I will teach people to treat their own online business as they are jobs which will provide an income for them and ways to grow their businesses which will result in the level of unemployment going down as many people are able to stand for themselves.

Get started with blogging :

The website we are going to use for our blog is called blogger.

What is blogger?

Blogger is a website where you'll be allowed to create your own FREE website for yourself that will have your name and it will give you a free domain those who don't know domains they It also allows you to write as many blogs as you want and publish them to the world so that people can read and be informed.Every money that you make goes to you directly as you're the owner of the blog.You don't have to pay anything for all of those

The thing we are going to use to get money is called Google Adsense

What is Google Adsense?it works mostly on what people do online for other people .It only needs where there a traffic of people.where there's many viewers most of the time. If you are getting many viewers what Google will do is that it will want to advertise their ads on your blogs because they want many people to see their ads and you have many viewers, they will then pay you per view that you get as they also gain from that view. Meaning that most of the ads that you see online they are sponsored by Google adsense.

How did i find this way

Okay so now how did I find this way of making money as a student there are sometimes that you are going to be broke and have nothing at all so you're just sit and have to think of many ways on how you can make money so that you can survive further during every month so this time I went to YouTube and search for a way then I found that one can actually make money by just righting some it says for people to read and that is exactly to be where I am right now a student who can simply make money for himself whenever

Sometimes many people just feel lazy for their future a person would say writing your block everyday writing five paragraphs essay is a lot of work for them but they forget that that work is the one that's going to bring income to their pockets they are lazy to do things that will benefit them in the future because there is nothing that is easier and that will bring you money.

Everything that brings money you have to work hard and be discipline throughout the way and have patient and all will come after hence now out advice people who are starting to write blocks to be patient to hold on and to have hope and believe that all things will break through because they eventually do but all with disabling and patients. Stay tuned on my journey as you will find out how I'll breathe through of this

What to consider before starting your blog 

My advice for those who want to create website I'd prefer for people to do a research on ways how to choose a perfect name for your blog because there is a target market for certain names , for example should do a research about something that South Africans need to know or something that they don't have information about, then you'll be the one distributing information to them.

so one has to find a very perfect name that aligns with what they will be writing in their blog and that will attract readers to the website so that they can gain viewers and followers and reviews. So I suggest that everyone must do their research on what information is needed in their society or that is running in the world right now so that they will know on what to pick they shall choose.

The importance of a name:

Getting a perfect name it's a very important factor because one must know that the name that they choose they will have enough things to write about on all their post as the post will be referred by the name of your blog. Meaning you can't make a name about e.g Food recipes but end up talking about Fashion shows. So the name that you choose will represent all your blog posts.

 People must know that Creating a perfect name is a very first big step to your blogger account because without a perfect name your blogger won't be visible to the audience that you would have thought you gonna attract. The part on how to create a perfect name I will drop it on my next block post.

What to also consider;

What one must also have it's a verified email and a number phone that works excreting a blogger account will need your personal things to can be able to pay you therefore you shouldn't make any mistakes because you'll end up not getting your money

What to not do!!

I would suggest for everyone to not ever copy and paste someone's blog because Google adsense has a way of scanning through every blog post to make sure that they don't pay for something that they've paid for before. Their technology is so strong that it can even pick a paragraph or a two lined sentence from the whole of your post then compare it with the original one then they will not pay you for the whole blog that you have written.

So it is best to have something that is very unique from others that come from within your mind and from all your ideas so that you can differ from anyone who has gotten paid from writing their own blog as one would be different and you will also get paid for having a different one from others.

What i would suggest 

I would suggest for people to go to other people's blog post and get the idea only then after they go to their own blog post then put that idea in their own words, they must make sure that they have enough with to build up that idea they got from that other blog so that their blog can be unique but using the idea from other people's blogs.

Stay tuned for the next block post where I will be explaining the First step on how to create a blogger account and every step to take so that you shall not make any slight mistakes and so that your blogger account can be successfully created and be ready to start running and making money for you

And please click the three dots on your right top and scroll down to follow this page follow this page so that you could be notified when I drop again. Thank you

Oh and also comment "Next step" below on the comment section 


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