Greetings and welcome to my blog and today we are going to be talking about dopamine detoxing protocol part 1

IF ever you are exhausted of always feeling tired and always on your phone scrolling through social media platforms are always on your couch or paid watching movies, cartoons or reality shows but without a completion your goals or your work that you need to do then this blog post is for you

I am here today to talk about dopamine detoxing. Not to lie, many people treat dopamine detoxing challenges like they are some kind of pills,like as in "take this pill then your brain will reset in the next 24 hours and you will be a new person" but honestly speaking it doesn't work like that. 

The dopamine detoxing is actually not about a challenge but it is all about change. Like even me I recently completed a detox challenge of "quitting to have fun for 7 days" but then I realized that I went straight back to schooling through social media platforms and procrastinating then I asked myself "what was all that for?" . Like everyone can challenge themselves to not use their mobile phones for maybe a whole week but that is completely missing the main point like in order to gain back yourself control you have to do them with intentions.

Many people who do dopamine detoxing don't see results simply because they don't have a strictly proper protocol that is why I created this blog post where I will share my protocol which has helped me to have real growth and also improved my focus and also have mental clarity. There are three steps and you must do each one of them correctly in order to have a successful dopamine detox.lets get down with the steps.


Having the rules and structure planned to be clear on what we want to achieve

1: Purpose 

As a mentor, my most successful students are the ones who understand the importance of doing exactly as I instruct them and they also realize what will happen if they don't do what I instruct them to do ,like being broke all the time,not having financial freedom and growing in porverty, that is the mental picture that Sparks the desire for change and that inspire them to actually change therefore that is why they succeed. 

But truly speaking ask yourself this question 

why is it so important for you to regain focus?

What is going to happen if you don't get your life together?

That kind of protocol is the one that have the potential to change your life . But not just because it can then it means that it will not until you yourself decide and internalize why is it necessary for you to change 

 2 : Cutting 

Everyone has they are on different opinion on what to include in what not include in their detox. But if you want to use my protocol that has gotten me real results then they are four non-negotiable categories you have to cut out.

1: binge tech - those are social media platforms, TV subscriptions like Netflix, showmax and others and also video games and political news. These kinds of things needs to be physically deleted on your mobile phone and also be blocked on your browser immediately. 

I don't care about how much willpower and discipline you have but our brains are conditioned programmed even to consume simple internet notification like it's not always about having maybe a craving or motivation but it is only visual all it takes for you to be now attached on you phone screen therefore that's all it takes for 30 minutes to disappear in your life.

And yes that also includes blocking YouTube if you possibly can.If you use YouTube for work and content creation then that is valid but you can do yourself a favour and use a browser extension that block the YouTube home page and sidebars to avoid getting sucked in into now watching videos for fun

2 : unhealthy sex

This one includes watching pornography, musterbating and also being busy with dating apps like bumble ,hinch and tinder.There are plenty of problems that can come with a rise from just watching pornography especially in your men who happen to be majority consumer here.

you have to understand that sex is one activity that drives many people to do very irrational things.It is absolutely crazy but then the science proves that even the persue of sex makes one releases huge specs of dopamine something even more that the act if sex itself.Also even being busy scrolling on bumble and tinder feeds our brain dopamine.

I had a colleague who was very dominated by sex ,he once had a perfect plan presentation but he threw away all of his life's work and promotions awaiting and only for just a single date on tinder.Like just imagine your whole entire life being controlled by stranger over just texts messages through a dating app,not even confirmed that it is actually her or someone just playing around apps.

Remember this protocols are here to help us take back control 

3: Consumables 

This one includes not consumption of alcohol,no recreational drugs and also no junk food.We are what we put into our bodies.In order to give our brainand our mind a chance to reset,we can't keep feeding it dopamine, substances are one of the very easiest ways to escape from emotions and from reality because they feel absolutely really good.Like it is very easier to go out with the girls or the boys.. popping whiskeys and few beers and joints until the next day at 5am rather that having to sit down and study and focus on building maybe a business or whatever your goals are

Our minds will always crave the things that will give us a quick pleasure.Therefore that is wahy it is very important that during this entire protocol,our minds is unaltered.And also remember that this is not forever,trust me i would like to have a glass of wine or one glass of cocktail but we have to stay dry for the duration period of the detox

4: Thrill seeking behaviours 

This one includes no gambling,no shopping sprees,no roadtrips and also no gamelands visit.All of these activities releases massive dopamine because there's psychological tendency that is called variable rewards that usually keeps them on their toes.

That's dopamine's playground there ,like if we are not sure of the reward that we are going to get ,like if it's going to be good or bad but with a slight possibility that it's gonna be a BAANGER !! that is the most addictive type of activity.

Studies has shown that when it is know what the exact reward is going to be it is less exciting and we are likely to not do it consistently.But oppositely is the one that makes people maybe I'll get lucky next time or maybe i will find a better deal on page ten on Takealot .

If we are hundred percent certain that we are going to get rewarded then our cravings for it get amplified.This concept of course also applies to social media , dating apps and all those other things we are cutting out there.

3 : How long?

As of now.I am not sure of any clinical research specifically looking at dopamine levels but my protocol is based on our own understanding of human physiology.We want to spend at least 7 days in full detox mode.There's so much instant gratification delivered to us that our brains are in a constant state of over-stimulation and as you have probably experienced yourself ,the more you consume is the less you actually enjoy it.

That is simply because our bodies have a biological protective mechanism to overstimulation and it is called DESENSITIZATION . Normally stimulation cause ourselves to release dopamine which binds to receptors on the neighbouring cells so that they can function,but with over-stimulation, there's too much of dopamine hanging around and our own brains can't handle it and to compensate, these cells decrease the outbound function and they also decrease the number of receptor.

Dr K Healthygamer had an amazing analogy to describe how this actually works.What he said was that "Over-stimulation is just like turning up the volume of your phone to maximum when it is plugged to a speaker ".The input is very high and the sound is also very loud therefore we have to compensate by turning down the volume of speaker .We have to reduce the volume of the input before we can balance out the volume of the speaker otherwise we would blow up the speaker.

This process DESENSITIZATION takes time and overdoing is allowing the dopamine receptors in our brains to return to a state of balance which in science we call HOMEOSTASIS.So give your brain at least seven full days to reset and you can always go longer if you want.There's no upper limit like at time whereby you can reduce stimulation.But me personally I don't think it is necessary to go more than full 30 days and i will give you all an explanation later

1: Self reflection 

This is the most important part of the execution phase because in order for you to experience positive change you first have to become aware of it,like it doesn't have to be a deep trauma dump or exploring your darkest deepest secrets ,All that the protocol requires is just only ten minutes of self reflection by meditating,maybe journaling or even gratitude practice or any of the ones you would .There's very cool suggestion that even ten minutes of meditation can calm a mind,can improve your mood and also give us a long term focus.

Most people live every waking moment in constant distraction.Like when we wake up we just hop straight on the phone and start scrolling tik tok, Listen to music , watch Netflix while eating , watch tv and also scroll on your phone same time,The point um trying to make is that our minds are so consumed by instant gratification to the point that we never make time to think about ourselves .No wonder we are stuck and not making progress to become better human beings ,It is all because we don't sit down and reflect but i think we are different here on tips and information right? 

Self reflection is the building block of self improvement and also the vehicle to self discovery .Can we just devote ten minutes of our lives to self reflect our lives? People who say the don't have time to self reflect are the ones who actually need to self reflect the most 

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