Hi welcome to my blog, in today's blog um going to be talking about how to create a blogger account, 

for those who want to see the video you can click the link below and it will take you straight to the video. 

So without wasting any time let's get down with the steps on how to start your blogger account

Step 1: creating an account 

First league gonna start by going to your Chrome or website opener. Search at the top and type it is gonna redirect you to the first link of blogger

After you click that first link you gonna see a green homepage of blogger with a text in the middle saying create your blog. Now after clicking the create your blog text you now will be why you should put in your email, then you'll have a fully created blogger account

Remember on the 1st blog I said email is an important factor because you have to have a verified one with a rememberable password so that in the near future when you have to be paid you don't struggle to remember your details. I would prefer for people too create their emails using their names and surnames so that they can forget and also use their IDs as their password therefore all will be simpler when it's time to input their emails everywhere.

Step 2: Choosing a name

Choosing a suitable name is a big factor because your name represent everything that you have written on your blog. So before choosing a name make sure you have figured out what you'll be writing in a long run because many people make the mistake of having this kind of sitting name then write about this kind of sitting there which are true different opposite things to talk about therefore they won't get enough viewers as many people will go in their blog and exit immediately which means they are blogs won't be referred to any kind of feed for people to go in.

Title name:
So firstly you're going to be asked to write the title of your blog, so the title is the main name when someone access your website they would have known what your blogs are all about, the title gives the reader every aspect of your blog and what to expect when they go to your blog website. It is the one that gives all other names a title.

URL name:
Then secondly they gonna ask you to write you URL name which is the name whereby it will be on your link of your blog. So when people will want to search your block themselves the URL name is what they are going to use. So I'll prefer for you to choose a short form of your title and make it as an URL name.

Once you put the URL name they will tell you whether the name is applicable or not as they are many bloggers in the world they don't want you to share your URL name with someone else in another country or continent.

Display name:
Then thirdly they will ask you to write your display name the display name is the name  that will be found at the top of your blog it is the name that you will be running around in your blogs,it is the name that they will put as the author in your blog posts.It is the name that will also be replying the comments

After writing all those names you will then now be directed to the whole page of your blogger

Step 3: modifying the blog

To modify the blog you firstly have to click the three lines on your top left corner then you'll see options like these

Then you go to the option "theme" . After clicking the option theme you'll find various kinds of themes for every kind of blog you want to write as you scroll down through the themes and if you find one, you click on it 
If you don't find it then you will scroll back and click where it says "customize"..Then you are going to see a picture with a "remove and change image" options,click the change image,then click that three ines at the top and you'll find the upload image option you click on it then you go choose your preferred picture , you then click save at the bottom then your background is now changed.

What is interesting is that you can edit your blog into looking like any kind of blog that you have ever seen on the internet or even more better than them that way you can be able to attract viewers into coming to your blog to read more as it is very colorful and shapeful. It needs one to invest their full-time in customizing their blog to move the best as there are many settings to be changed and to be undone but all is for the better cost as Google AdSense prefer a good looking website to express their ads on.

Personal information edit

To edit your all your personal information you need to be at the homepage, then you delete the three lines at the top and choose the setting option. You then will scroll down until you find the edit profile option. When you enter that you going to see everything about your blog that you can edit, then for your profile you can they upload your picture and save the bottom of that settings page.

Step 4 :pages

The pages play an important role in your blog. It is where you have to write everything overall about why you created your blog and its purpose. You are going to have to create a page about contact us on, another page about policy privacy, one for Term's and conditions and lastly the about us page. Then this pages have to be where people shouldn't search for them. 

How to place pages closes.

You click those three lines at the top, go to lay out option. Then then you going to look for page list and that's why you will add every page that you have written on your blog for your blog to be good. And what you should do is that you should add your pages on top at home of your page so that even people who are using desktop can access them

Step 5: stats

You go to your homepage you click the lines at the top ,you click on stats then you are going to graphs which tells you how much the blog has grew and how much it has declined. The graphs also has the date below and the number on the side which makes it easy for you to know which day and how many people. On the top in that stats page there's a row which tells you how many people overall viewed your blog and for today and yesterday. You can also see how many people commented on your posts.

Checking your stats regularly will help you improve your blog as you will see the days that you had high numbers of viewers coming to your blog and the day you had less numbers of your coming to your blog which means you will check the difference of the blocks that you have written on each of those days so that you can use the kind of blog type of the one you've got higher number of viewers coming.

Then there is how to create your blogger account, so you can now go write as many post as you can but minimum should be at least 15 before you could apply to Google AdSense.

So stay tuned for the how to create Google AdSense post coming soon

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Thank you for reading ❤️


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